Tuesday, May 30, 2023

legendary affix Ravenous

Embrace your insatiable hunger for destruction with the legendary affix known as Ravenous. As a Rogue, you thrive on exploiting your enemies’ vulnerabilities and striking with deadly precision. The Ravenous affix magnifies your prowess by granting you a surge of energy regeneration when you eliminate a Vulnerable enemy.

When you successfully eliminate an enemy that is Vulnerable, the Ravenous affix comes into play. It triggers a remarkable surge of energy within you, increasing your Energy Regeneration by x50-70% for a duration of 4.0 seconds. This rapid energy replenishment fuels your relentless assault, allowing you to unleash a flurry of devastating attacks and abilities upon your foes.

As a Rogue, you excel at identifying and capitalizing on your enemies’ weaknesses. By applying the Vulnerable status to your targets through various means, such as precise strikes, critical hits, or specific abilities, you set the stage for the Ravenous affix to activate. Once triggered, the enhanced Energy Regeneration empowers you to maintain a relentless onslaught, chaining together deadly combinations and overwhelming your enemies with a barrage of devastating attacks.

The Ravenous affix represents the essence of a Rogue’s predatory nature, capitalizing on moments of weakness to fuel your own power. Your ability to swiftly eliminate Vulnerable foes rewards you with a temporary surge of energy, ensuring that you can sustain your relentless assault and adapt to the ever-changing battlefield. By strategically selecting your targets and exploiting their vulnerabilities, you become an unstoppable force, leaving a trail of fallen enemies in your wake.

To fully exploit the power of the Ravenous affix, you must master the art of identifying and capitalizing on Vulnerabilities. Precision, timing, and calculated strikes are key to ensuring that your enemies succumb to your relentless onslaught, triggering the surge of energy regeneration that will propel you to victory. With each fallen Vulnerable foe, your hunger for destruction is satisfied, and your powers as a Rogue grow ever stronger.

Embrace your inner predator, harness the Ravenous affix, and become an unstoppable force of devastation. Your enemies will tremble in fear as you exploit their weaknesses, fueling your relentless assault with unparalleled energy regeneration. The battlefield is yours to conquer, and with the Ravenous affix by your side, victory is assured. – source

  • Class: Rogue
  • Effect: Killing a Vulnerable enemy grants you x50-70% increased Energy Regeneration for 4.0 seconds.
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