Tuesday, May 30, 2023

legendary affix Relentless Berserker's

Tap into the primal fury of the Relentless Berserker’s affix as a Barbarian in Diablo 4. This legendary attribute grants you unparalleled endurance and unyielding strength in the heat of battle, ensuring that your berserker rage persists and intensifies with each devastating blow you unleash upon your foes.

The Relentless Berserker’s affix is a manifestation of your indomitable will and unparalleled resilience. When you strike an enemy with one of your Core Skills, a stroke of luck may befall you. With each successful hit, there is a chance, ranging from 22% to 40%, that the duration of your Berserking state will be extended by an additional second. This extension allows you to remain in a heightened state of frenzy, fueling your ferocity and granting you increased power and prowess on the battlefield.

Furthermore, the Relentless Berserker’s affix rewards your precision and mastery by doubling the duration extension if the hit that triggered it was a Critical Strike. This additional boon ensures that your critical blows have an even greater impact, both in terms of raw damage and in prolonging the duration of your relentless onslaught. As a Barbarian, the longer you maintain your berserker state, the more devastating your attacks become, and the more fearsome you appear to your enemies.

To fully harness the power of the Relentless Berserker’s affix, you must embrace your instinctual nature and unleash your core skills with precision and purpose. Each strike has the potential to extend your berserker rage, granting you an invaluable edge in prolonged battles. With each passing second, your strength and resolve grow, allowing you to unleash a relentless assault that overwhelms your enemies and leaves them in awe of your ferocious might.

Embrace the primal energy that courses through your veins and become the embodiment of the Relentless Berserker. With each strike, your fury intensifies, fueling your unyielding spirit and empowering you to vanquish any foe that dares to stand in your way. Let the echoes of your battle cries reverberate across the battlefield as you extend the duration of your berserker rage, ensuring that your enemies tremble before your unstoppable might.

The Relentless Berserker’s affix is a testament to your unwavering determination and unrelenting drive for victory. With each extended moment of your berserking state, you become an unstoppable force of nature, capable of cleaving through hordes of enemies with unparalleled strength and unyielding resilience. Embrace the power of the Relentless Berserker, and let your enemies bear witness to the true might of a Barbarian who knows no limits.

Unleash your fury, extend your berserker rage, and emerge victorious as the embodiment of the Relentless Berserker’s affix. The battlefield will tremble beneath your feet as you leave a trail of destruction in your wake. No enemy can withstand your relentless onslaught, for you are the epitome of unstoppable strength and unwavering determination. Embrace your destiny as the Relentless Berserker, and conquer all who stand before you. – source

  • Class: Barbarian
  • Effect: Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Core Skill has up to a 22-40% chance to extend the duration of Berserking by 1 second. Double this duration if it was a Critical Strike.
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