Tuesday, May 30, 2023

legendary affix Storm Swell

The Sorcerer, a master of arcane arts and elemental forces, harnesses the power of the storm to unleash devastating spells upon their foes. The legendary affix known as Storm Swell amplifies their destructive potential, enabling them to strike with even greater force against Vulnerable enemies.

With Storm Swell, the Sorcerer taps into the raw energy of the storm, channeling it through their spells and unleashing a torrent of power upon Vulnerable foes. Each strike becomes imbued with the might of the elements, dealing x11-20% increased damage to enemies who have been weakened and made Vulnerable.

Picture a scene where the Sorcerer stands amidst a tempest, crackling with arcane energy. As they unleash their spells upon their adversaries, their attacks become more potent when targeting Vulnerable enemies. The surge of power from Storm Swell courses through their veins, empowering their every strike with destructive force.

The Storm Swell affix grants the Sorcerer unparalleled control over the storm’s fury. When facing Vulnerable enemies, each spell they cast becomes a devastating assault, inflicting even greater damage upon their weakened foes. The synergy between the Sorcerer’s barrier and the storm’s energy unleashes a cascade of destructive power, leaving their enemies in awe of their arcane prowess.

As a Sorcerer in Diablo 4, embrace the power of Storm Swell and become a tempest of destruction. Each time you face a Vulnerable enemy, your spells become more lethal, harnessing the power of the storm to deal increased damage. Your foes will tremble before your onslaught, for they are defenseless against the might of the elements under your command.

Embrace the storm and let it fuel your relentless pursuit of power. The energy of Storm Swell surges through you, empowering your spells and granting you the ability to harness the full force of the storm. With each strike, you leave a trail of devastation in your wake, obliterating your enemies and asserting your dominance as a true master of the arcane arts.

Unleash the might of the Sorcerer, and let Storm Swell be the catalyst for your reign of destruction. With each Vulnerable enemy you encounter, your spells become a conduit for unparalleled devastation, cementing your place as a force to be reckoned with in the dark world of Diablo 4. – source

  • Class: Sorcerer
  • Effect: You deal x11-20% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies while you have a Barrier.
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