Thursday, June 1, 2023

CC Duration Reduction

 CC Duration Reduction attribute is a game mechanic that reduces the duration of control-impairing effects applied to the player character. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as [{VALUE}*100|1%|] Control Impaired Duration Reduction.

When a character has the CC Duration Reduction attribute with a specific value, it indicates that the duration of control-impairing effects inflicted on the character is decreased by a certain percentage. Control-impairing effects refer to abilities or effects that hinder the actions or movements of the character, such as stuns, freezes, slows, or other debuffs.

The CC Duration Reduction attribute mitigates the negative impact of control-impairing effects by reducing their duration. The {VALUE} represents the percentage by which the duration of control-impairing effects is shortened.

By investing in the CC Duration Reduction attribute, players can improve their character's resilience and ability to overcome control-impairing effects more swiftly. It becomes particularly valuable for characters who seek to minimize the impact of crowd control abilities and maintain their freedom of movement during combat.

Players can obtain the CC Duration Reduction attribute through various means in the game, such as equipment, skills, or abilities that provide a reduction in control-impairing effect duration, or by investing in character development options that improve resilience against crowd control mechanics.

The CC Duration Reduction attribute encourages players to strategize and build characters with increased resistance to control-impairing effects. It allows characters to withstand and recover from crowd control more effectively, granting them greater freedom to execute their own actions and counteract enemy strategies.

In summary, the CC Duration Reduction attribute in Diablo 4 reduces the duration of control-impairing effects applied to the player character by a specific percentage value. It enhances the character's resilience against crowd control mechanics and promotes more fluid and active gameplay by minimizing the impact of debilitating effects.

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