Thursday, June 1, 2023

Class Restriction

Class Restriction attribute is a game mechanic that specifies that an item or ability can only be used by a specific class. The attribute is denoted by the value ({s1} Only) Sockets, where {s1} represents the name of the class.

When an item or ability has the Class Restriction attribute with a specific class name, it indicates that it is restricted to that particular class. This means that only characters belonging to the specified class can equip or use the item or ability effectively.

The Class Restriction attribute is often used to ensure balance and maintain class identity within the game. It allows for unique items, skills, or abilities that are tailored to the strengths and playstyle of a specific class. This promotes diversity and specialization among different classes, offering distinct gameplay experiences and enhancing the overall depth of character progression.

For example, an item with the Class Restriction attribute of (Wizard Only) Sockets can only be equipped and utilized by characters who belong to the Wizard class. Other classes, such as Barbarians or Sorcerers, would not be able to effectively utilize the item due to the class restriction.

The Class Restriction attribute adds an element of strategy and decision-making for players when choosing their class and selecting gear or abilities. It encourages players to consider the unique strengths and capabilities of each class and tailor their character builds accordingly.

In summary, the Class Restriction attribute in Diablo 4 specifies that an item or ability can only be used by a specific class. It ensures class balance and identity, promoting diverse gameplay experiences and encouraging players to make strategic choices when selecting their class and equipping gear or utilizing abilities.

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