Tuesday, May 30, 2023

legendary affix Veteran Brawler's

Embrace the raw power of the Veteran Brawler’s legendary affix as a Barbarian. Drawing upon your years of battle-hardened experience, your Core Skills become a testament to your relentless might. With each devastating blow you deliver to your foes, the Veteran Brawler’s affix activates, infusing your next Charge or Leap with unparalleled strength. The damage of your Charge or Leap increases by x15-20% for each direct damage dealt by your Core Skills, scaling up to an astonishing x225-300% bonus damage. This ferocious augmentation allows you to unleash a devastating assault upon your enemies, shattering their defenses and leaving them in awe of your barbaric prowess. As a true veteran of countless battles, you have honed your skills to perfection, channeling the fury of your past triumphs into each bone-crushing blow. The Veteran Brawler’s affix symbolizes your unwavering determination and unwavering combat expertise, ensuring that no adversary can withstand your relentless onslaught. With the power of the Veteran Brawler’s coursing through your veins, you stand as an indomitable force on the battlefield, ready to carve your name in the annals of glory. – source

  • Class: Barbarian
  • Effect: Each time a Core Skill deals direct damage to an enemy, your next Charge or Leap deals x15-20% increased damage, up to x225-300%.
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