Tuesday, May 30, 2023

legendary affix Vigorous

Embrace the untamed power of the Vigorous legendary affix as a Druid. When you assume the form of a mighty Werewolf, the primal energies that course through your veins grant you unparalleled resilience. The Vigorous affix bolsters your defenses, granting you a significant 10-15% Damage Reduction while you are in your Werewolf form. The ferocity of the werewolf is matched only by its durability, and with Vigorous, you become an unstoppable force of nature. As you shift into your lupine shape, your body becomes imbued with an innate resistance to harm, allowing you to shrug off incoming attacks with ease. The Vigorous affix symbolizes your unyielding determination and primal fortitude, making you a formidable presence on the battlefield. With each savage strike you deliver as a Werewolf, you can face even the most fearsome adversaries with confidence, knowing that your damage reduction will mitigate their assaults. Your enemies will find themselves in awe of your resilience, as your unstoppable rampage leaves them powerless against your might. Harness the power of Vigorous and become the embodiment of unyielding strength and protection as a Werewolf Druid in Diablo 4. – source

  • Class: Druid
  • Effect: Gain 10-15% Damage Reduction while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf.
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