Thursday, June 1, 2023

Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type

Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type attribute is a game mechanic that provides a bonus chance percentage to trigger a combat effect with a specific damage type. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE2}*100|1%|] Lucky Hit Chance with {VALUE1} Damage.

When a character has the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased chance to trigger combat effects with a particular damage type during combat encounters. Damage types can include various elements or types of damage, such as fire, lightning, poison, or physical damage.

The Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type attribute enhances the likelihood of triggering combat effects with the specified damage type by the provided percentage. The {VALUE1} represents the specific damage type, while {VALUE2} represents the bonus chance percentage.

By investing in the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type attribute, players can focus on specific damage types and enhance their combat effectiveness with those particular types. It rewards players for specializing in a specific damage type and encourages strategic decision-making when choosing equipment, skills, or abilities that align with the chosen damage type.

Players can obtain the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type attribute through various means in the game, such as equipment, skills, or abilities that specifically enhance combat effects with a particular damage type, or by investing in character development options that improve damage type mechanics.

The Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type attribute encourages players to diversify their damage-dealing capabilities and consider the synergies between different damage types and combat effects. It adds depth to character builds and promotes strategic gameplay by rewarding players who specialize in specific damage types.

In summary, the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Per Damage Type attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus chance percentage to trigger combat effects with a specific damage type. It enhances the likelihood of beneficial combat outcomes tied to the chosen damage type, encouraging players to specialize and strategize their damage-dealing capabilities based on different damage types.

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