Thursday, June 1, 2023

Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active

Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active attribute is a game mechanic that provides a bonus chance percentage to trigger a combat effect while the player has a barrier active. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier.

When a character has the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased chance to trigger combat effects while the player character has an active barrier. Barriers are protective shields or buffs that provide additional defense or absorb damage.

The Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active attribute enhances the likelihood of triggering combat effects by the provided percentage specifically when the player character has a barrier active. This means that during the duration of the barrier, there is an increased chance for combat effects, such as critical hits or other advantageous outcomes, to occur.

By investing in the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active attribute, players can focus on utilizing barriers effectively and strategically to enhance their combat capabilities. It rewards players for maintaining and utilizing barriers by granting increased chances for beneficial combat effects.

Players can obtain the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active attribute through various means in the game, such as equipment, skills, or abilities that specifically enhance combat effects while a barrier is active, or by investing in character development options that improve barrier mechanics.

The Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active attribute encourages players to consider the timing and usage of barriers during combat encounters. It promotes tactical decision-making and offers an additional layer of strategy by rewarding players who effectively manage their barriers for maximum combat effectiveness.

In summary, the Combat Effect Chance Bonus Barrier Active attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus chance percentage to trigger combat effects while the player character has a barrier active. It enhances the frequency of beneficial combat outcomes during the duration of a barrier, encouraging strategic usage of barriers and adding depth to combat mechanics.

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