Thursday, June 1, 2023

Combat Effect Chance Bonus

Combat Effect Chance Bonus attribute is a game mechanic that provides a bonus chance percentage to trigger a combat effect, such as a critical hit. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Lucky Hit Chance.

When a character has the Combat Effect Chance Bonus attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased chance to trigger combat effects during combat encounters. Combat effects can include various beneficial outcomes, such as critical hits, status effects, bonus damage, or other impactful results.

The Combat Effect Chance Bonus attribute enhances the likelihood of triggering combat effects by the provided percentage. The {VALUE} represents the bonus chance percentage to trigger a combat effect.

By investing in the Combat Effect Chance Bonus attribute, players can increase the frequency of triggering beneficial combat effects, adding an element of unpredictability and excitement to their gameplay. It allows for more frequent critical hits or other advantageous outcomes, resulting in increased damage output or additional effects that can turn the tide of battle.

Players can obtain the Combat Effect Chance Bonus attribute through various means in the game, such as equipment, skills, or abilities that specifically enhance the chance of triggering combat effects, or by investing in character development options that improve combat mechanics.

The Combat Effect Chance Bonus attribute encourages players to strategize and build characters with an emphasis on combat effects and their triggering chances. It rewards them with thrilling and powerful moments during combat encounters, adding depth and variety to the gameplay experience.

In summary, the Combat Effect Chance Bonus attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus chance percentage to trigger combat effects, such as critical hits. It enhances the frequency of beneficial outcomes during combat, adding excitement and impact to player actions and promoting strategic gameplay centered around triggering combat effects.
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