Thursday, June 1, 2023

Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag

"Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific skill tags. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE2}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage with {VALUE1} Skills.

When a character has the "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes performed with skills that have the specified skill tag. Skill tags are labels or categories assigned to different skills in the game, which can represent different types of abilities or playstyles.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes specifically for skills that have the designated skill tag, increasing the effectiveness of critical hits with those particular abilities. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

By investing in the "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute, players can amplify the damage dealt by critical strikes with specific skill tags, allowing them to specialize and optimize their critical strike damage with their preferred playstyle or skill selection.

The specific skill tags and associated bonus percentages may vary in the game, depending on the available skills and their categorization. Players can unlock and utilize skills with the designated skill tags to benefit from the increased critical strike damage provided by this attribute.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute encourages players to strategize and build their characters around specific skill tags, focusing on maximizing the damage potential of critical strikes with those particular abilities. It adds depth to gameplay by allowing players to customize their playstyle and optimize their damage output based on their preferred skills and skill tags.

In summary, the "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific skill tags. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes performed with skills that have the designated skill tag, allowing players to specialize and optimize their critical strike damage with their preferred abilities and playstyle.

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