Thursday, June 1, 2023

Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement

"Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific weapon requirements. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE2}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage with {VALUE1}.

When a character has the "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes performed with weapons that meet the specified weapon requirement. Weapon requirements in Diablo 4 are criteria that determine which types of weapons a character can effectively use based on their attributes or character build.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes specifically when using weapons that fulfill the designated weapon requirement. It increases the effectiveness of critical hits with those particular weapon types or attributes, allowing players to optimize their critical strike damage based on their chosen weapon.

The specific weapon requirements and associated bonus percentages may vary in the game, depending on the available weapon types and their specific attributes or characteristics. Players can equip weapons that meet the designated weapon requirement to benefit from the increased critical strike damage provided by this attribute.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute encourages players to consider their character build and weapon selection carefully. By focusing on weapons that fulfill the specified weapon requirement, players can maximize the damage potential of critical strikes and tailor their playstyle to match their preferred weapon types or attributes.

It is important to note that the exact details of the "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute, such as the specific weapon requirements and their corresponding bonus percentages, may vary in the game. The attribute's impact on critical strike damage will depend on the design choices and mechanics implemented by the game developers.

In summary, the "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific weapon requirements. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes performed with weapons that fulfill the designated weapon requirement, allowing players to optimize their critical strike damage based on their chosen weapon types or attributes.

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