Thursday, June 1, 2023

Crit Percent Bonus

"Crit Percent Bonus" is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike chance. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Chance.

When a character has the "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased chance for their attacks to land critical strikes. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

The "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute enhances the critical strike chance, increasing the likelihood of scoring critical hits with attacks. The higher the value of the attribute, the greater the chance for critical strikes to occur. This attribute is particularly valuable for players who wish to focus on dealing burst damage or triggering effects associated with critical strikes.

By investing in the "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute, players can significantly increase their overall damage output by landing critical strikes more frequently. This attribute is especially important for characters who rely on high-damage attacks or abilities that benefit greatly from critical strikes.

It's important to note that the base critical strike chance may vary depending on the character class, gear, and other factors. The "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute provides an additional bonus percentage on top of the base chance, further enhancing the critical strike chance.

In summary, the "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike chance. It increases the likelihood of landing critical strikes with attacks, allowing players to deal increased damage and potentially trigger additional effects associated with critical hits.

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