Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Waxing Gibbous

Listed here is base item information for Waxing Gibbous
Description: The nights preceding the full moon are sometimes far more dangerous than the event itself. The frenzy has begun to rise, yet the night is just dark enough to obscure a hunter from their prey’s sight.
Class: Druid
Type: 1H Axe
Special – Gain Stealth for [Affix_Value_2] seconds when killing enemies with Shred. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants Ambush which guarantees Critical Strikes for [random Affix_Value_1|1|] seconds.


For the latest information, check the following source: Waxing Gibbous

Monday, June 5, 2023

The Butcher's Cleaver

Listed here is base item information for The Butcher’s Cleaver
Description: A nightmarish amalgam of blood, bone and steel, this axe is as horrific, and as deadly, as its creator.
Class: Any
Type: 1H Axe
Special – Lucky Hit: When you Critically Strike an enemy you have up to a [Affix.”Static Value 0″|%|]{/c} chance to Fear and Slow them by [random Affix_Value_1|%|] for [Affix.”Static Value 1″] seconds.


For the latest information, check the following source: The Butchers Cleaver

Sunday, June 4, 2023


Listed here is base item information for Condemnation
Description: “I’ve never seen such ruthless butchery. He deserves to be be shipped off to die in the swamps with the rest of the godless murderers.”
– Witness to the murder of Sergeant Walcot
Class: Rogue
Type: 1H Dagger
Special – Your Core Skills deal [random Affix_Value_1|%x|] increased damage when spending 3 Combo Points. Your Basic Skills using this weapon have a [Affix_Value_2|%|] chance to generate 3 Combo Points.


For the latest information, check the following source: Condemnation

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Asheara's Khanjar

Listed here is base item information for Asheara’s Khanjar
Description: When Caldeum’s gates closed, Asheara led her Iron Wolves out of the city knowing full well they would never return. Instead they roamed Kehjistan pledging their blades to any who were in need.
Class: Rogue
Type: 1H Dagger
Special – Hits with this weapon increase your Attack Speed by [random Affix_Value_1 * 100|1%+|] for [Affix.”Static Value 0″] seconds, up to [Affix_Value_1 * Affix.”Static Value 1″ * 100|1%+|].


For the latest information, check the following source: Asheara’s Khanjar

Friday, June 2, 2023

Black River

Listed here is base item information for Black River
Description: “The scrolls describe a river of tar that separated the living from the land of the dead. Any unfortunate soul who tried to cross would be dragged down into oblivion.”
– Notes of Scholar Kamien
Class: Necromancer
Type: 1H Scythe
Special – Corpse Explosion consumes up to [Affix.”Static Value 0″] additional Corpses around the initial Corpse, dealing [random Affix_Value_1|%x|] increased damage and with a [random Affix_Value_2|%|] larger radius per additional Corpse.


For the latest information, check the following source: Black River

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Crit Percent Bonus

"Crit Percent Bonus" is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike chance. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Chance.

When a character has the "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased chance for their attacks to land critical strikes. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

The "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute enhances the critical strike chance, increasing the likelihood of scoring critical hits with attacks. The higher the value of the attribute, the greater the chance for critical strikes to occur. This attribute is particularly valuable for players who wish to focus on dealing burst damage or triggering effects associated with critical strikes.

By investing in the "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute, players can significantly increase their overall damage output by landing critical strikes more frequently. This attribute is especially important for characters who rely on high-damage attacks or abilities that benefit greatly from critical strikes.

It's important to note that the base critical strike chance may vary depending on the character class, gear, and other factors. The "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute provides an additional bonus percentage on top of the base chance, further enhancing the critical strike chance.

In summary, the "Crit Percent Bonus" attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike chance. It increases the likelihood of landing critical strikes with attacks, allowing players to deal increased damage and potentially trigger additional effects associated with critical hits.

Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement

"Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific weapon requirements. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE2}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage with {VALUE1}.

When a character has the "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes performed with weapons that meet the specified weapon requirement. Weapon requirements in Diablo 4 are criteria that determine which types of weapons a character can effectively use based on their attributes or character build.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes specifically when using weapons that fulfill the designated weapon requirement. It increases the effectiveness of critical hits with those particular weapon types or attributes, allowing players to optimize their critical strike damage based on their chosen weapon.

The specific weapon requirements and associated bonus percentages may vary in the game, depending on the available weapon types and their specific attributes or characteristics. Players can equip weapons that meet the designated weapon requirement to benefit from the increased critical strike damage provided by this attribute.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute encourages players to consider their character build and weapon selection carefully. By focusing on weapons that fulfill the specified weapon requirement, players can maximize the damage potential of critical strikes and tailor their playstyle to match their preferred weapon types or attributes.

It is important to note that the exact details of the "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute, such as the specific weapon requirements and their corresponding bonus percentages, may vary in the game. The attribute's impact on critical strike damage will depend on the design choices and mechanics implemented by the game developers.

In summary, the "Crit Damage Percent Per Weapon Requirement" attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific weapon requirements. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes performed with weapons that fulfill the designated weapon requirement, allowing players to optimize their critical strike damage based on their chosen weapon types or attributes.

Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag

"Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific skill tags. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE2}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage with {VALUE1} Skills.

When a character has the "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes performed with skills that have the specified skill tag. Skill tags are labels or categories assigned to different skills in the game, which can represent different types of abilities or playstyles.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes specifically for skills that have the designated skill tag, increasing the effectiveness of critical hits with those particular abilities. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

By investing in the "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute, players can amplify the damage dealt by critical strikes with specific skill tags, allowing them to specialize and optimize their critical strike damage with their preferred playstyle or skill selection.

The specific skill tags and associated bonus percentages may vary in the game, depending on the available skills and their categorization. Players can unlock and utilize skills with the designated skill tags to benefit from the increased critical strike damage provided by this attribute.

The "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute encourages players to strategize and build their characters around specific skill tags, focusing on maximizing the damage potential of critical strikes with those particular abilities. It adds depth to gameplay by allowing players to customize their playstyle and optimize their damage output based on their preferred skills and skill tags.

In summary, the "Crit Damage Percent Per Skill Tag" attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt with specific skill tags. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes performed with skills that have the designated skill tag, allowing players to specialize and optimize their critical strike damage with their preferred abilities and playstyle.

Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any

Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any attribute is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt to enemies under crowd control effects. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies.

When a character has the Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes against enemies that are currently affected by crowd control. Crowd control refers to various control-impairing effects, such as stuns, freezes, immobilization, or other debilitating conditions that temporarily restrict enemy movement or actions.

The Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes against crowd-controlled enemies by the provided percentage. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

By investing in the Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any attribute, players can amplify the damage dealt by critical strikes specifically when attacking enemies under crowd control effects. This attribute allows players to take advantage of the vulnerability of crowd-controlled enemies and deal significant damage to them.

Players can apply crowd control effects to enemies through various means in the game, such as specific skills, abilities, or items. When an enemy is under the influence of crowd control, critical strikes against them benefit from the increased damage multiplier provided by the Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any attribute.

The Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any attribute encourages players to utilize crowd control abilities and tactics effectively. It rewards players who can successfully immobilize or impair enemies, allowing them to capitalize on the vulnerability of crowd-controlled foes and deal devastating critical strikes.

In summary, the Crit Damage Percent Bonus Vs CC Target Any attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt to enemies under crowd control effects. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes when attacking foes that are immobilized or affected by control-impairing effects, allowing players to exploit enemy vulnerabilities and deal significant damage.

Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable

Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable attribute is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt to vulnerable enemies. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies.

When a character has the Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes against vulnerable enemies. Vulnerable enemies are foes that have been afflicted with a debuff or condition that makes them susceptible to additional damage.

The Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes against vulnerable enemies by the provided percentage. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

By investing in the Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable attribute, players can amplify the damage dealt by critical strikes specifically when attacking vulnerable enemies. This attribute allows players to capitalize on enemy weaknesses and exploit their vulnerability to deal significant damage.

Players can apply vulnerability to enemies through various means in the game, such as specific skills, abilities, or items. When an enemy is vulnerable, critical strikes against them benefit from the increased damage multiplier provided by the Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable attribute.

The Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable attribute encourages players to strategize and exploit enemy weaknesses by applying vulnerability and then capitalizing on it with devastating critical strikes. It adds depth to gameplay by rewarding players who are able to identify and exploit enemy vulnerabilities effectively.

In summary, the Crit Damage Percent Bonus To Vulnerable attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt to vulnerable enemies. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes when attacking foes that are susceptible to additional damage, allowing players to exploit enemy weaknesses and deal significant damage.

Crit Damage Percent

Crit Damage Percent attribute is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the damage dealt by critical strikes. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage.

When a character has the Crit Damage Percent attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

The Crit Damage Percent attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes by the provided percentage. By investing in this attribute, players can increase the effectiveness of their critical strikes, allowing them to deal significantly more damage in combat.

Players can obtain the Crit Damage Percent attribute through various means in the game, such as equipment, skill upgrades, or character development options that specifically enhance critical strike damage.

The Crit Damage Percent attribute encourages players to focus on building their characters to deal devastating critical strikes. It rewards players who prioritize critical strike chance and damage, providing a significant boost to their damage output during combat encounters.

In summary, the Crit Damage Percent attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the damage dealt by critical strikes. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes, allowing players to unleash devastating attacks and defeat enemies more efficiently.

Crit Damage Bonus To Near

Crit Damage Bonus To Near attribute is a game mechanic that provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt to close enemies. The attribute is denoted by a numerical value enclosed in square brackets, such as +[{VALUE}*100|1%|] Critical Strike Damage to Close Enemies.

When a character has the Crit Damage Bonus To Near attribute with a specific value, it indicates that there is an increased damage multiplier for critical strikes against close enemies. Close enemies refer to foes that are in close proximity to the player character, typically engaged in melee combat.

The Crit Damage Bonus To Near attribute enhances the damage output of critical strikes against close enemies by the provided percentage. Critical strikes are powerful attacks that deal increased damage compared to regular attacks and often have additional effects or bonuses.

By investing in the Crit Damage Bonus To Near attribute, players can amplify the damage dealt by critical strikes specifically when attacking close enemies. This attribute allows players to specialize in close-quarters combat or optimize their build for dealing with enemies in melee range.

Players can obtain the Crit Damage Bonus To Near attribute through various means in the game, such as equipment, skill upgrades, or character development options that specifically enhance critical strike damage against close enemies.

The Crit Damage Bonus To Near attribute encourages players to engage in close combat and rewards those who excel in melee combat by providing increased damage output for critical strikes. It enables players to deal significant damage to close enemies, making them more effective in dispatching foes in close proximity.

In summary, the Crit Damage Bonus To Near attribute in Diablo 4 provides a bonus percentage to the critical strike damage dealt to close enemies. It enhances the damage output of critical strikes when attacking foes in melee range, allowing players to specialize in close-quarters combat and deal significant damage to close enemies.